Sunday, November 26, 2017

MILLIONAIRE MINDSET : 6 Steps to a wealthy life (chapter 2)

Title: MILLIONAIRE MINDSET : 6 Steps to a wealthy life
Writer: Rasheda Khatun

Chapter 2
Pay You First

     Paying yourself first works as a strategy that makes will change your bad thought to be better thought. Now, the mind is how to make the strategy of "pay you first" work for you. It's easy if you desperate to change your live .

Finding value in you
     The value of you, is important to change your live. Why? because the value you have help you to motivate yourself in your daily. So, you must know what is your value.
      Think about consequences of you. If you being here or not being able to provide, what happen. Learn this : "You can truly only serve others once you have served yourself. Why? Because then, you’ll be at your maximum capacity. You will be happy, content and an example. Make no mistake – your emotional state makes a huge difference to your performance no matter what you’re doing. It's a
very big deal."
Taking action
     In this step, you must have a list of your goal that show in first chapter before. So, cross the list where have the "savings" context. Your savings should be the first item on your list. Then, write again the list that the saving in first.
     Why we must to saving? because the requirement in our live is always there. if we don't saving, we can delay our requirement and not fulfilled. So, begin your saving today.

     Make your live easy is a good way to develop your habit and make the process as possible. Probably by applying  A team (Allocation, Automation, Accountability) make you easy to saving.

  • Allocation : Knowing how much to save.
  • Automatically : Automate the save in your bank.
  • Accountability : Rich your goal with your friend together.

#Post Intermediate Reading
#Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
#Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
#Millionaire Mindset
#Sharing Is Caring
#Aliyudin PayTren

Sunday, November 19, 2017

MILLIONAIRE MINDSET : 6 Steps to a wealthy life (chapter 1)

Title: MILLIONAIRE MINDSET : 6 Steps to a wealthy life 
Writer: Rasheda Khatun

Chapter 1

The Must Attitude

     To be successful in anything or your goal, you have to first reach the "must" state. Several people have desire to be a good people. But almost of them have bad mindset for rich it. The problem is when people first start out on the road to wealth is that most people don't believe they can do it. Whereas the human is the perfect creature from god. And the key is working towards your goal will become a habit.

     There are 5 simple stages for rich "Must" 

     1. Know you are "at choice"
       Most of people didn't know what is his/her aim. Sometimes the choice made by your parents, your teacher, or your boss. But, it makes you to little move from fail. Believing and accepting you are in control of your choices is totally liberating. This is the mindset you meet to begin with.
     2. Define what is choice for you
       Many people confuse about what must he/she do to be a success, and he/she do not plan their future because they don't have a specific goal in mind. So, try to plan your goal.
     3. What's the alternative?
        Before you feel like giving up with everything you have done, make a commitment to yourself that you will proactively. make every effort to do whatever it takes to have the financial freedom to live the lifestyle you want.
     4. Make it your reality
In this step, you must make the table and title it "the plan" and list what must you do.
     5. Hold yourself accountable
You must be accountable people if you want to rich your goal. There are three ways to hold yourlef accountable.
- Write down your goals.
- Share your goals with a friend.
- Work with your fashion goal.

To read the chapter two click here...

#Post Intermediate Reading
#Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
#Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
#Millionaire Mindset
#Sharing Is Caring
#Aliyudin PayTren

First Generation Chapter 1

Story by: C. Dennis Carol

Chapter 1

     First-generation students often have family and background characteristics that are associated with risk for attrition. For example, they are more likely than their peers to be from lowincome families, have lower achievement (as measured by the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency), and have lower overall degree aspirations. They are also more likely to be older and to have dependent children than their non-first-generation counterparts.

     First-generation students also enroll predominantly in the 2-year sector. While enrollment in this sector may be less expensive, some community colleges may lack the resources necessary to provide the special support services that first-generation students might need. Once enrolled in postsecondary education, first-generation students tend to work more hours off campus than their non-first-generation counterparts, complete fewer total course hours during their first year, and receive less support from family and friends for their enrollment. Finally, first-generation students are less likely to attain a postsecondary credential than their counterparts.

     First-generation students face the additional task of cultural adaptation. Specifically, there is a distinct element of “cultural mobility” associated with postsecondary enrollment, particularly if no other family member has had any postsecondary education. In order for postsecondary institutions to better understand the unique needs of firstgeneration students, more must be known about who they are and their particular enrollment experiences.

#Post Intermediate Reading
#Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
#Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
#First Generation
#Sharing Is Caring
#Aliyudin PayTren